Remove Attachments via the Third Eye

There are so many techniques out there on how to cut energetic bonds with others. What happens if you don’t find it working? This great method I recently came across via a session with an amazing client can be helpful.

Throughout this year, I’ve been swarmed by peoples’ higher selves / souls visiting me in the astral realm, thus creating an unwarranted energetic bond. I’ve noticed that just because someone’s higher self has good intentions, doesn’t mean that the person’s 3-D or waking life self will carry through with living to their most authentic, balanced self.

I think it’s because I’m in the position to where I can help people process things that requires clarity through my gifts, that their higher self approaches me in the astral realm but unfortunately due to fear they may not come forward during the day.

What this has created is an invasion of my space, my aura, and strong energetic bonds to where I can heavily connect to them during the day.

I don’t believe that it’s because someone is simply an empath but has the capability to work on those energetic levels.

In order to remove these bonds, instead of focusing on the solar, the root or just the overall aura, I recommend heavily clearing away these bonds within the third eye chakra.

Our third eye is the energetic center of connecting to our intuition, to our gifts / capabilities, and much more.

It would make sense that this is how we connect to others in the astral realm.

In order to clear this away, you can book a healing practitioner or you can light a candle, set intentions and work with a black crystal or white crystal to remove and purify the area. I recommend adding indigo or using a purple, third eye crystal, essential oil or plant to this area to balance it out and replace it after it’s been drained a bit.

I hope this helps!


The Nityas + Your Lunar Nakshatra


Clearing the Fog: Removing the Disturbances