The Nityas + Your Lunar Nakshatra

Did you know you have a Goddess that oversees your lunar house or nakshatra? You can turn to Her in order to have a deeper understanding within the qualities that personify your soul’s mind, and can help guide you within the energies of that nakshatra.

The Nityas represent the fifteen lunar days or tithes of the waxing moon. The Nityas are the Kalachakra, or Wheel of Time, since a full circle of them represent the 21,600 breaths a human being takes in a day. In texts like the Dakshinamurti Samhita, the Nityas are identified with different stages of deep sleep and embody continuum consciousness and according to the Tantaraja, the 15 Nityas are rays of Lalita herself, who is pure consciousness.

Here’s a mini-breakdown:

The Human body is to be conceived as the Sri Cakra as the expression of one’s own self or Svatma. While the body shouldn’t be viewed separately from the Atma, the entire cosmic system associated with the body should be viewed in the same light. The outer system in its manifestation rests on Time (kala), Space (deha), and a combination of the two. The fifteen kalas of the moon, representing the 15 lunar tithis, are identical with the 15 Nityas.

I have Purva Bhadrapada moon, right on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces, and my Nitya is Kulasundari Nitya. She is the bestower of Divine wisdom, the inspiration to guide a seeker to go within and tap into their inner source of wisdom. She helps you respect your own spiritual lineage.

“Devi Kulasundari is the Goddess of all knowledge, all learning, all initiations. She inspires us to honor and value every life lesson and every relationship, instead of being overly focused on ourselves. Kulasundari means ’the most beautiful in Her abode’ or ’the most beautiful in Her family.’ She is the Mother in the full meaning of the word. Kulasundari represents waking state within this deep sleep level. She stands for the sacredness of selfless action.”

Find the Nityas below!

Sri Kameshvari Nitya // Her name meaning “Lady of Desire,” her vidya is Aim Hrim Shrim Am Aim Sa Ka La Hrim Nityaklinne Madadrave Sauh Am Kameshvari Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah. She is essentially the Goddess of the New Moon. She carries a noose (to draw you to Divinity), a goad (to put you on the path of self-discovery), a nectar filled cup for the sweetness of self knowledge, and a bow made of sugarcane

“Kameshwari Nitya : “Empowering Desire” – Her eyes are flirtatious and receptive. Rather than seizing upon her desire she is willing to receive it: not in a state of “getting” but rather allowing. Whatever you desire empowers you when that desire is who you become. Among her possessions is a cup of liquid gems, desires identified – but still moving and pliable. Her other hand is outstretched in a state that is both offering and receiving. The outstretched, empty palm is willing to receive more than what’s already been identified. She is a first taste of seduction.” - Eric Stoneberg

Sri Bhagamalini Nitya // Her name means, “the Flowering Yoni,” and her vidya is Aim Hrim Shrim Am Aim Bhagabuge Bhagini Bhagodari Bhagamale Bhagavahe Bhagaguhye Bhagayoni Bhaganipatini Sarvabhagavashankari Bhagarupe Nityaklinne Bhagasvarupe Sarvani Bhagani Me Hyanaya Varade Rete Surete Bhagaklinne Klinnadrave Kledaya Dravaya Amoghe Bhagavicce Kshubha Kshobhaya Sarvasatvan Bhagodari Aim Blum Jem Blum Bhem Blum Mom Blum Hem Blum Hem Klinne Sarvani Bhagani Me Vashamanaya Strim Hara Blem Hrim Am Bhagamalini Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.

She is the second phase of the moon, the waxing moon. She is all about birthing our creative ideas into the world.

Sri Nityaklinna Nitya // Her name means, “Always Wet,” and her vidya is Aim Hrim Shrim Nityaklinne Madadrave Svaha im Nityaklinna Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.

She gives enjoyment and liberation.

Sri Bherunda Nitya // She is meant to dispel you from three evil poisons: Sthavara, from trees and herbs, Jangama, from serpents or other animals, and Kritrima, artificially prepared. Her vidya mantra is: Aim Hrim Shrim Im Om Krom Brom Kraum Jhmraum Cchraum Jraum Svaha Im Bherunda Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.

Sri Vahnivasini Nitya // Her name means, “Dweller in the Fire,” and She shines with the beauty of youth. Her mantra is: Om vahnivaasinyai vidmahe siddhidaayinyai dhiimahi tanno nityaa prachodayaat or Om Hrim Vahnivasiniyai Namah.

Sri Vajreshwari Nitya // She is depicted seated on her chakra consisting of a triangle, hexagon, lotuses, and Mahapura. I think what I found interesting about Her is that she is depicted holding pomegranate flowers. She also removes evils from your life. Her vidya mantra is: Om Hrim Klinne Aim Krom Nityamadadrave Hrim Um Mahavajreshvari Nitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah and another mantra is: Om Mahaavajreshwaryai Vidmahe Vajranityaayai Dhiimahi Tanno Nityaa Prachodayaat.

Sri Shivaduti Nitya // She is called Shivaduti because she makes Lord Shiva her messenger. She is depicted with eight arms and bright “like the midday sun.” She annihilates injustices and fulfills righteous desires. Her mantra is: Om Shivaduutyai Vidmahe Shivankaryai Dhiimahi Tanno Nityaa Prachodayaat, her other vidya mantra is: Aim Hrim Shrim Shivadutyai Namah Shivadutinitya Shri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah.


Sri Vijaya | The 12th Lunar Day


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