July Forecast 2021

Hi All!

What energies will July 2021 bring into your life? You can check for your rising, moon and sun signs. Let’s say you’re interested in your love life, check out and see what sign your Venus is placed in. If you’re interested in a channeling or healing session, check out my sessions + testimonials above.

ARIES // July will focus a lot on intentions, wrapping up loose ends and your sacral and root chakras. Let me break this down. I see this as not just your sacral and root working independently but a merging of sort as the color that I connect to is a red-orange. I see a sort of recharge of energy that is taking place throughout July or you’re already starting to feel it. I see themes of sensuality but it’s an awakening of passion in your life. I can see you discovering a new side of yourself or rebirthing it. It’s invigorating and innovative. You’ll start to see that you are awakening to a more passionate side of yourself, embracing confidence will be an energy that will guide you throughout the month. I started to see the vision of writing in a book, to me it feels like there are still unfinished things, whether relationships or circumstances that will wrap up towards the end of the month. I also see this as a symbol for taking ownership of your destiny.

TAURUS // This month will be about building blocks and even a collaborative effort. I started to see the individual weaving leafs on a strand, and then more people joining in. Vines here are symbolic of progress but over an extended period of time. The guidance here is to be patient and not to rush into anything. Allow things to build onto themselves, and if anything set intentions to be more receptive towards the world around you and its people. You may be joining a new soul community / family but make sure you all carry the same like-minded goals. Are their goals aligned with yours? The energies I’m connecting for you guys are greens and oranges, so think lower heart chakra and sacral. This could definitely be indicative of soul growth but your heart will be expansive towards others. This month feels like one where you will care about humanitarian efforts or your community, you may even be attracted to foreign ones. It’s a really ‘growth’ type of a month. Be sure to list goals out so you can be clear about what you want but be open to surprises from the Universe. Spirit animal: Hummingbird // Sweetness, commute, travel, expansion.

GEMINI // I connected a lot to swords here but what I feel is that it’s very dependent on your perspective. You can either treat it like a double-edged sword, hurt yourself in the process of cutting away what isn’t necessary by going about it in a self-destructive manner or you can cut away things that don’t serve you in a diplomatic manner. Diplomacy will be a key for you this month. You guys have a lot of blacks, dark indigos, and a starry cosmic night energy surrounding you. This could be a transcendent time where you will be coming out of something or you may still be in this liminal space type of an energy. Treat this void like a place where you can expand on intuitive gifts, especially mediumship. But it could be a month where you will feel isolated, or you may isolate yourself. You may feel defensive at times towards others, but again, this is meant to teach you perspective. Blacks isn’t a bad energy but here it’s playing out like rest, shadow, boundaries, purging, liminal space. The dark indigos is how you choose to connect to energy and the cosmic night energy is about following your authencity, connecting to your higher self, imaging more.

CANCER // This month will be about connecting to the emotional body, cleansing it and centering yourself. Centering is coming across as a huge theme. Maybe you’ve been through quite a bit of changes in life, or life has been very fast-paced for you but you guys haven’t had time to disconnect and rest. To connect to what your emotions are trying to tell you. I’m seeing the soul as a body of water, a need to honor your sacred vessel, honor your emotions and be accepting of what you have to offer the world via your own uniqueness. The energy for this month is very solar plexus themed, it’s like you’re going to be learning new lessons around will-power and inner strength. Be gentle and soft with yourself, embrace these qualities. It’s time to nourish yourself. Be mindful if you have Venus in Cancer as this will be a significant for you in whatever house this is placed in. That being said, Venusian themes can be significant here but in another aspect of the Divine Feminine.

LEO // You guys may be feeling really caged in one aspect of your life. I can see a lot of restlessness as you have the energy and the determination to pursue something or to get a part of your plan started. However, you have to hold on, slow down and see what is holding you back. Is it possible that it is yourself? For some of you guys, there is a lot of pent up anger and resentment pertaining to something in your life. All of these uncomfortable and possibly self-destructive energies are sabotaging you. It’s necessary to slow down, live your life day-by-day but to find enjoyment in it. This can be an opportunity to connect to the state of bliss. (The visual I saw is a caged male lion in a ferocious temperament.) Enjoy the solitude and see what it has to teach you. Daisies are coming through as spirit plants and for me daisies symbolize new beginnings but here they are more radiating in the energy of innocence, purity and an appreciation of the small in life. Gratitude is a great way to shift your energy into a more heart-centered awareness. This is teaching you something significant about the ins and outs of being a leader, one who is self-assured and confident in their movements and the timings of it. Think of harnessing your building internal flame and learning how to control it.

VIRGO // You guys will be heavily inspired this month creatively. I started to connect a lot to cosmic energy in hues of bright white and a light blue. I saw souls playing with it in their hands and making a mudra called alapadma (not a yogic mudra, rather a dance one.) July will bring an influx of creative energy, or energy as a whole but again, it’s up to you what you do with it. I highly believe July is a month that will bring about making decisions for the collective consciousness in regards to perspective. The light blue corresponds with the throat chakra, so there is an energy of expression happening for you guys. It could be written, verbal or even creative. This is an energy that will inspire you to think outside of the box and to navigate the world in a more free-spirited manner. The guidance is to be more playful, more light-hearted and to connect to this inner-child. Themes of being humorous and shrugging off things that annoy you within the perimeters of your internal structure with flexibility will be present here. You are meant to expand your awareness in this sense, embrace it! (You can also use this creative energy to manifest something into the world!)

LIBRA // Guidance that is coming through is to simplify areas of your life that may need it. Adopting a bit of minimalism that will help balance out what I see coming in for you guys in July. This month will resonate heavily with themes of the Divine Feminine in it’s creative form. Think of the archetype called, “The Lover.” You may feel drawn towards connecting to someone on a more intimate level or to use this abundance of sacral and root chakra towards creating something, as in manifesting it into this world. You may be feeling more sensual, awakened in the lower chakras, more heated but in a good way. Interestingly enough, the lower heart chakra is what will be evolving this month! You’re meant to accept this side of yourself. What I’m seeing is almost like a hidden aspect of yourself coming out, and a need for self-acceptance. To not shame yourself or others. (I can even see for some the desire to create a new life!) Connecting to this energy within the sacral will help bring about an inner abundance that will most certainly be reflected in your external world. Think just beautiful, lush abundance. If you’re familiar with Vedic astrology, what this is most similar to is the nakshatra Rohini. Rohini natives may also be influential for you this month.

SCORPIO // July will usher in a major transformation. Think of this like the month where the changes you will see are bringing you towards your next major phase in life. I also saw the vision of darkness turning into dawn. While life operates in seasons and in the motions of a wheel, it is never truly instantly from darkness to light. There has to be a stage of gradual development and this is what I see here. You guys may have experienced intensity, almost like an ego-death. I see you leaving your old carcass behind and emerging as new. There can be some discomfort in this new-ness that you’ll be seeing. You have to allow for the old to fade away. It will still be there, mentally and emotionally but you have to allow yourself to release it and be patient about it. Your energy for this month is very solar plexus and sacral, tons of creating and orchestrating the foundation for the life that you wish to see. I can see manifesting as being something you should look into. The flower spirit that I keep connecting to is the Bleeding Heart. It’s providing guidance to stand strong and centered despite whatever emotions you may have faced or whatever changes you will go through. Bleeding Hearts also symbolize "healing depression,” “attractive love,” and “emotional vulnerability.” Be mindful of these themes throughout the month and be as vulnerable with yourself as possible. Vulnerability is the gem that surfaces amidst an ego-death.

SAGITTARIUS // You may feel tempted to push and exert your will throughout this month. I’m seeing guidance for you guys to not swim against the current and trust where you are being led. This is time to allow things to unfold naturally and to discover the internal ebbs and flows that you can master, whether emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I can see this as a time to connect to the Divine Feminine and to the element of water, but in it’s strength and flexibility. I would encourage spending time near water and meditating with it to tap into an inner-emotional-strength. Your aura is very aqua, very light blue and green. (All three colors.) Aqua is associated with the thymus chakra. What this energetic center is teaching you is envisioning the world from beyond the self. It is also expression and authenticity. There is something this month that is helping you realize how you are connected to everything, all is one. Whatever synchronicities Spirit is trying to show you will help you realize something transcendental. Beyond the self is something that I keep seeing. Your soul bridging energetically to the world and its people would be an ideal goal. This is a highly spiritual month for you guys. Ultimately I can see a lot of light violets, crown energy. A deepening and personal relationship with Spirit will be almost like a present for you all.

CAPRICORN // This month will focus around creating security and exploring deep ancestral patterns. It won’t be limited to just ancestral but legacies of some sort. You may feel drawn to exploring different spiritual customs from around the world and will be integrating it into your own practice, whether professionally or personally. But it’s a month focused around the earth star chakra, so security financially, building upon something and also a sense of self-esteem. (Security in that way.) (For some of you out there, there is something significant about the cheeks on the face…just throwing that out there. Maybe there’s a specific minor chakra there worth checking out.) All in all, this is helping empower you. I connect a lot to developing authority, inner-trust with decisions, and a radiance. The eagle is an animal spirit coming through. This bird has a visionary type of an energy that is worth connecting to in meditation. Guidance that is coming through is the necessity to cultivate a sense of patience. Don’t rush into anything this month but trust your sense of timing for it.

AQUARIUS // July will be about weaving together different parts of yourself, parts that may have experienced highs and lows, different aspects or fractions of a personality together. I’m connecting a lot to someone weaving different colorful and sparkly strands together into a thread. This thread is leading you somewhere new, but you also have to be patient. This is a month to really trust your intuition with pacing and developing a sense of where you are meant to go. Almost like refurbishing an inner-compass. Ley-lines and specific locations may be significant for you to explore on. The energy for you guys is very fuchsia and teal, this is about really connecting to your higher self and your own individuality here. This teal is similar to the frequency of the thymus chakra but it’s a bit different. It almost has a very inspirational, other-worldly type of energy. Deepening your spiritual pursuits and knowledge would be beneficial here. I can see a bit of needing to be in hermit energy, to be in recluse because there are elements you are still unearthing. This feels very purpose-driven. The fuchsia color is associated with the soul star chakra, so think of a merging of soul, higher self and divine purpose strengthening. Go against the grain.

PISCES // July will bring you a much needed break. You may feel like time is slowing down or the days are starting to drag out and blend in with each other. Don’t feel discouraged. I’m seeing an energy of upper heart chakra and an intense mothering and nourishing energy emerging for you. Think of connecting to a Divine Mother, even Hathor is appearing for some of you out there. She brings some sort of a divine connection between the celestial realms and the womb or heart space, depending on your personal journey. Goddesses that are similar to her energy will be influential for you. This is a time to really nourish your body mind and soul, especially the heart and womb space and to relax. Take time to disconnect from the collective for a bit. The white energy I’m seeing isn’t a white light but more like a bright white milk. Whenever I see a milk bath, it’s a need to be tender with yourself. You guys may have been working a lot or have been in your headspace too much. I can see you guys carrying the weight of the collective on your backs as well, whether you realize it or not. It’s time to shed this in a very loving and nurturing way so that you won’t feel discouraged by the world around you. I started to connect to Echincea or African daisies like flowers. I know Echincea’s are known for health healing, a support for healers and the African daisies represent Divine Alignment. You guys may have even felt that you are straying from who you are a bit or not in alignment. It’s because you need to shed and take the weight off of you.


“Love is in the Air”


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