Lion’s Gate Forecast - 2021

Lion’s Gate, on 08/08 is an auspicious day signaling the cosmic alignment of the Sirius star with that of Earth. This is an amazing time to manifest set intentions as the number is significant for abundance, growth and dreaming big!

(Also, this personally means that we’re getting closer to the colder, darker months and I’m beaming with excitement over it!)

These are the prediction based on astrological signs. Feel free to read your rising, sun, and moon but, for example, if you want a more detailed look into love, relationships and financial health, look at your Venus.

ARIES | There is a sense of feeling overwhelmed, and possibily defeated by some people in your life. I can see at the least one significant person from your past re-appearing and the space is here to hash things out but it’s up to you to voice yourself and your desires. The desires come across more as boundaries. Be mindful of not falling back into old ways when it comes to people. Because the energy is so strong during Lion’s Gate, you could also be energetically connecting to peoples’ energies either during the waking life or in the astral plane (while asleep.) Make sure to set boundaries before you fall asleep each night unless you want to seek some sort of closure in the astral world. I don’t recommend it in this particular case because it will feel draining when you wake up and I don’t see it bringing peace of mind.

TAURUS | If you’ve been struggling with mental health or have been really anxious as of late, expect there to be a sense of calm around this time. For Taurus, I can see looking too far into the future, into a space where you may have little control for the time being. You have the most control of your present. I can see falling into the present, pranayama type of energy present here. Usually when we struggle with mental health, one of the side effects is that we are drained. Expect to experience more energy. Questions about what your passionate about will start to rise up for you. You may feel encouraged to get back into a skill or hobby that you haven’t done for a while.

GEMINI | The one thing I can see that Lion’s Gate will bring to the collective overall is a lot of much-needed energy. It feels like a helping presence. For Gemini, there is a time to recharge present here. I can see things falling away, or time being carved out for you by the Universe. Take this as an opportunity to treat yourself, to relax, to recharge. You guys have felt incredibly busy as of late or really into your mind. I can see that during this down time, you will experience a moment of clarity about the self. If something has been paining you, you’ll start to see that this is more of a treasure about the self than something to hide. I can see coming to peace about something others have shamed you for or just being more sympathetic and understanding of the self. This feels a lot like lower heart chakra stuff.

CANCER | For the Cancer energy, I can see the shadow side come out but in a necessary and good way. You guys will be fed up and will start to stand your ground for what you deserve. You’ll let your inner-tough side and warrior come out so you can start to go after the things that you feel like you deserve, despite what others may say around you. I can see you guys starting to take more chances on what life has offer you by going outside what tends to be comfortable for you. Trust where this is leading you. This is helping you shift the type of people you tend to attract.

LEO | You’ll start to see where in life you need to drop your armor and sword. There is a healing energy towards the Masculine within that can be beneficial for those who are willing to be open to it. A chance to be more open and innocent towards others and an awareness of self-sabotaging patterns are present here. Lion’s Gate will also bring the need to bridge differences, to be honest and to possibly create some energetic boundaries with others. The energy of Sirius is guiding you towards a more lighter heart space towards forgiving and releasing.

VIRGO | The chance to put aside your analytical and over-thinking side and to connect to a more intuitive, cosmic energy will be present for you! You guys may have been overthinking and in your head driving yourself insane with scenarios that are not rooted in reality. Lion’s Gate is prepared to bring to you the opportunity to connect more to your intuition, your third eye and crown chakras but you have to commit to it. It has the possibility to shift your energy into a different route where you will be more trusting of the Universe and by that, less anxious. This is actually grounding for you and will bring about a sense of healing when it comes to your sense of security.

LIBRA | You guys will feel more inspired by synchronicities displayed around you. There are opportunities that are being presented to you that will appear in your life by little coincidences that are trying to take you out of something less mundane. You have to make sure to seize them! I can see a bit of confusion right now in life as to what you guys want to go forward with but be open and let go of expectations. Feel more open to bridging differences around this time and even out the scales by giving back to friends that you feel like may need the help. This is a really pleasant energy that you guys will tap into. It feels meditative and like it bring a tiny awakening of sorts.

SCORPIO | Expect lighter energies to carry you towards a more pleasant and optimistic way to see things in your life. I can see a lifting quality overall where your perspective will be a lot more positive. The way you speak to yourself will be a lot kinder (and these are themes that you may reflect on), and thus you will start to feel more worthy of pursuing things that really nourish your soul. There is a lot of creative energy here at play. Follow it, whatever it is will guide you towards having a deeper understanding of the self. I can see a need to create healthier boundaries between you and the Collective at this time. It’s mainly guiding you towards more alone time so you can listen to the free spirit within.

SAGITTARIUS | Expect a blessing from the Universe via good news. This feels like hard work paying off with some sort of tangible offer. It has a prosperity, money vibe to it. I can see you guys feeling confident and ready to move forward. You will feel that there is a bridge that you’re on where you are letting go of past relationships, past dramas that aren’t serving you and moving forward on your own. It has an independent type of a vibe and you’re meant to cherish it at this time. This is teaching you how to put yourself first and how to be have a good sense of security as to who you are and what you can bring to the table.

CAPRICORN | You guys have recently been facing some sort of disappointment and there is a sense that it’s been a teaching moment. This has a lot to deal with humility and going back to basics on something in your life. Minimalism and bare essentials within the self is coming forward. You guys will strengthen a bond within the heart and what you find inspirational within the self and with the world around you. I can see starting from scratch on something or picking up a new hobby. This is teaching you how to listen to your own voice, your own heart and to incorporate this into how you lead your life. You guys already have a strong energy at the moment, the strongest out of all the other signs so make sure you use it wisely.

AQUARIUS | There is a growth happening in your life right now. Whatever you are experiencing when it comes to karmic lessons revolves around the Femininity within the soul. This is teaching you how to ground your energy in order to manifest it into desires and to be receptive. I just see a lot of growth, imagine seeing tons of flowers sprouting from a soul. Trust the manifestations coming into fruition because they are pointing you towards the right direction. There will be a lot of release of steam and old emotional baggage and a more grounded energy that will be present to you. It feels overall very grounding in the best way possible for you guys.

PISCES | The value of imagination is very present here. You guys are in a creative mood, in whatever ways you like to express yourself whether professionally or in your free time. I can see you guys having downloads via the dream space and taking more chances on things you’d like to try out. You guys are starting to embrace who you are and what you have to offer and it will shift you into a very present and abundant energy. Trust whatever nudges you are given on 08/08 as it is leading you towards something that is not only emotionally fulfilling but will be financially prosperous.


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