“Love is in the Air”

Mars went into conjunction with Venus on July 13th and will stay like this throughout the month.

In Vedic Astrology, Mars is indicative of the boyfriend while Jupiter represents the husband but this doesn’t exclude the possibility of what this conjunction can bring into your life.

I’m not one to follow planetary transits especially if I have a lot going on in my personal life. However two nights ago, I had a bizarre dream.

This year has brought me a lot of messages in the astral realm, both for the collective and for myself. All messages propelling us towards understanding and embracing our truest authentic self and for helping us shift into the next major phase in our lives.

The dream I had earlier this week was bizarre for me because in it, I fell in love with a stranger. I haven’t been one to feel vulnerable love quite often. It’s something that I experienced just once but it was short-lived. Regardless of how short-lived it was, it taught me a great deal in regards to myself. It deepened my spiritual growth.

I learned the true power of vulnerability and allowed my heart to spiral open in sync with the Divine Feminine. To say that it was transcendental is an understatement.

However, it was painful. And before that, my experiences were brutal and abusive. Prior to embarking on this path, I was relentless and cold romantically, and I unfortunately enjoyed it.

It was my form of vindication in response to the countless betrayals I faced.

However, how can I be denying myself of finding true love, contentment and a radiant sense of self-love?

Yes, self-respect and self-worth are a few facets of this diamond that I love exploring but what’s the point if I don’t allow myself to wear my heart on my sleeve? or allow myself the permission to be happy, sharing my love not just with someone else but with myself?

In this dream, I felt the sensation of love happen so fast. I met him, I didn’t hold any reservations or held onto the possibility of the past repeating itself. I fell deeply and was almost in a state of bliss within it. I allowed myself to ride the waves of it without feeling the need to be in control of it.

I woke up feeling so disoriented. The last time I was in a committed relationship was 2010, so it’s been 11 years. But the only person holding me back was really myself.

…and then right after waking up, I received a notification in The Pattern app entitled, “Love is in the Air.”

Yep, we hit a Mars and Venus conjunction.

Committed, romantic relationships cannot exist well without a healthy sense of self-love.

So although this can be a great and opportune time to meet someone, to strengthen your bond with your existing partner, you can also fall in love with yourself.

Great questions to ask yourself (that I borrowed from the app) are: “Do I truly love myself?” “Am I being creative with my life?", “Am I the focus of my life?”, “In my relationships, am I being seen for who I really am?” and, “Am I in a relationship because I want to be or because I need to be?”

There are plenty of great journaling questions you can find out there.

My guidance in regards to this dream is to let go of the control to create the picture-perfect idea of what love, a relationship or a partner should look like.

Allow yourself to fall and trust in the process.

Let go of timing.

Don’t project the past onto the present or the future.


Your Inner Sanctuary


July Forecast 2021