Ins + Outs of Karma

So, you've been lied to or wronged.

Someone negatively impacted your life, and you're in an uncontrollable state of anger where karma is the only thing on your mind because the entire situation feels out of control, and karma feels stabilizing.

This world is imperfect. We are flawed, a mixture of good and bad that gives duality in a person. It, unfortunately, is the case that we will always come across people with dishonest intentions.

I believe that we carry karma from previous lifetimes, where we are to learn and spiritually evolve in our current one.

Here is how I approach karma:

I don't believe it's best to focus on other peoples' karmas. That is something out of our control, and I can relate to how hard it is to desire justice after experiencing a severe injustice.

But we can use this time to descend into ourselves and understand the circumstance from a 360-degree viewpoint.

When we see the consequences that others face, we can use it as a learning tool to understand some action that relates to us. I was told in a Vedic reading that my placement of Saturn is heavily karmic, meaning that I'm a vehicle of karma for others and that I'd eventually see or hear of it.

That's been consistent in my life! Once I've become concretely aware of it, I've used it as life lessons to better work on myself.

(Mind you, I've also been told that if I step outside of the bounds of Saturn, karma would be severe to me, and that's also been correct.)

While it's not necessarily focusing on other peoples' consequences, it's a state of awareness that can help usher in soul development.

Understand that you're not responsible for the other person's soul growth. While it's a given that you should be compassionate for others, standing firm in self-respect is crucial for your own sake. You were not born to be a caretaker for others, and people are 100% responsible for their actions and thoughts.

If you focus so much on others, you're bound to lose yourself in the process in an unhealthy state of codependency, and you'll rob them of the opportunity of self-awareness.

If someone isn't ready to hear advice, they won't ask for it. If you give it unwarranted, it won't be appreciated or acknowledged.

Sometimes tough love is the best kind of love.

Worry about your own karma!

That's the best remedy in all of this as ultimately, what you can truly control are your thoughts, actions, and reactions.

What happens to you is a reflection of the rippling effects of your actions, and when we become accountable can we see real and lasting healing consequences.

The process is always somewhat painful, at least in my experience but liberating.

Another point I'd like to include is that I believe thinking or speaking negatively about others is ill karma. Gossiping is a low vibrational activity and this year I've started to grow more cautious about any of these topics. We can vent and show frustration but there is a fine line involved. When we speak and think poorly about others, we lack gratitude for the blessings they bring into our lives. I think it is revealing about the person that particaptes in this behavior, such as a lack of appreciation of the self, a lack of self-awareness, and limited self-love.

I want to have good things to say about others, so that I can attract people who have good things to say about me and is a reflection of the good thoughts that I hold.

My favorite remedy for karma is volunteer work and vegetarianism / veganism. I'm not a practicing vegan but it's something that I know is on my path in the near-future.

God, I love Shani!


Intent with Integrity


Cherish the Feminine