In the Dark | Mediumship 101

I felt inspired to share this insight after some recurring dreams I’ve been having.

When it comes to the astral world and interacting with spirits, it can be somewhat tricky because this is all intuitive based. You have to use your intuition when it comes to the messages and its meanings.

Have you experienced seeing a passed loved one or even a living soul sitting or standing in the dark?

Remember, when you dream of someone who is alive, that is their higher selves reaching out to you to deliver some sort of message.

When you see souls in the dark, for me it’s a sign that the person is stuck in a toxic pattern. There is something holding them back that is hindering their ability to have clarity and activate an awakening within them.

So what can you do about? Be aware of it. If the person is alive, you can most certainly send them a message or having a discussion with them only if they approach you about it. I’ve come to realize that a person won’t be open towards receiving insight unless they first approach you.

When it comes to spirits who have passed on, this is usually a indicator that someone related to them will approach you.

If its your own relative then there is healing meant to take place within your own lineage. This is a time to embark on ancestral work with yourself or guided with a reliable practitioner.


Enter the Sacred Flow of the Heart


Sri Citra | 15th Lunar Day