Enter the Sacred Flow of the Heart

I wholeheartedly believe that part of my soul path is to connect to multi-dimensional chamber of the heart and all the treasures it holds within it. I was born on 06/06, a number signifying harmony, equality, balance, beauty. My atmakaraka is the moon, the karaka taking me on a ride to explore the complexity of emotions and understanding unconditional love and compassion.

Pink stones always marks some sort of spiritual phase that transcends me deeper into this cosmic beating flurry that we often overlook.

I’ve experienced the introduction to vulnerability and the Divine Feminine with rhodochrosite, emotional intelligence with pink sapphire, and so forth.

Eudialyte mysteriously creeped into my life a little over a week ago.

I was not safe from the Collective’s destructive need to reprioritize the people in my life. I was shown the true meaning of friendships and partnerships this year by being submerged into the shadow of this area of the Collective. I was bombarded by the energy of people wanting to make amends, needing to prioritize their own connections and understand accountability. I felt beaten down this year by severing connections with those who did not reciprocate kindness, devalued me and took me for granted. I started to feel a little bit lost and unfortunately was also shamed for it by those around me.

Despite the hardships, I didn’t want to turn cynical or lose my faith in others. I never want to lose a sense of optimism for the potential that others can bring into my life and vice versa.

Eudialyte was unfamiliar to me but I felt unbelievable drawn to it.

A stone meant to help you rediscover what your life path is. It creates an energetic bridge between the heart and root chakras so you can create divine direction in your life. It’s a bridge between the emotional and the physical, between your heart’s desire and purpose.

It’s meant to create a purposeful life by also bringing in synchronicities.

It’s energy also does:

  • helps you release resentment, anger, or any negative emotion associated with the heart and encourages a deeper degree of self-love

  • it peacefully ends relationships that are no longer in alignment

  • makes you aware of hidden talents that can assist in your purpose

  • creates a deeper link with Spirit, forming a connection between mind and heart, heart and body

Most importantly, it will help you realize (and will help actualize) a need to not put aside the heart’s desire in order to fulfill physical needs.

“Many of us feel our lives are dominated by the things we must do to survive - providing food, clothing, shelter and the maintenance of physical health for ourselves and our families. Sometimesthis seems to come at the expense of fulfillingour most heartfelt wishes, the very things that provide emotional satisfaction that makes life more than just survival. Eudialyte’s energies bring resonance and harmony to the parallel tracks of survival and fulfillment.”- Crystal Dictionary

Although a new presence in my life, it immediately impacted my life. I started incorporating it into my healing sessions and journeys and I also carry it on my body.

It’s been helpful with releasing a lot of the pain I’ve carried and has brought up themes of injustices in my life through awareness. The synchronicities are there, the fated circumstances and I feel led on the right direction, my heart’s direction. But I’ll share more intimate details when I feel more comfortable to do so.

What makes my heart sing with joy is how much I’ve been feeling more like myself, more heart-centered, more compassionate and forgiving.

I’m looking forward to see where this little magical stone leads me.


Cherish the Feminine


In the Dark | Mediumship 101