Notes on Expansion

Expansion has been an important theme for me since early April. I woke up one day and felt the urge to use gold colors and crystals to expand my energy. With intentions to expand my consciousness, I also felt drawn to wipe away negativity or stagnant energy within my aura. It's also a beautiful way to protect yourself and your space. My inspiration for this energetic vibration is the golden hour of the day, which is a moment of pure bliss on earth.

The importance of expansion not only allows for the decluttering of your auric field, but for the allowance of new into your life. It's about stepping into the energy or life that you want.

It's important to note that you are what you attract and this expansion experience has really personified it for me. If you are fearful, you will attract experiences that represent what you are most afraid of. If you feel insecure, you will attract people who will make you feel insecure. If you are resentful towards another, you will attract that same bitterness back into your life. 

When this happens, it's almost like an initiation to test and challenge you! It's about disciplining the mind. I've been seeing it in people around me lately. 

Remember to surround yourself with people who make you feel expansive and not limited. Embrace thoughts that expand your possibilities and that make you feel hopeful, optimistic and blessed.

Think beyond what's in front of you. The world is truly bigger than what your mind percieves it to be sometimes. 

Picture Source: 'Hymn for the Weekend' // Beyonce // Coldplay


"One pair of horses runs away. Without fault." : Handling Negativy & Jealousy